
Kako lahko pomagam?

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Vse se začne in konča v naši glavi

Povezava med našim telesom in umom ima izjemno pomembno vlogo, še posebej pri športnem nastopu, ko na nas vpliva ogromno zunanjih in notranjih dejavnikov.

Verjetno bi se vsak športnik strinjal, da od svoje glave pričakuje, da bo telesu pomagala, namesto ga zavirala v teh ključnih trenutkih.

Ste na svoji športni poti prišli do mentalne blokade, ki vam onemogoča športni nastop, kakršnega veste, da ste sposobni? Se vam zdi, da ste obstali na enem mestu? Imate občutek, da lahko naredite korak naprej z delom na mentalnih sposobnostih?

Ne glede na to, kakšen je razlog, da ste se znašli tukaj, sem tukaj zato, da vam pri tem pomagam in vas podprem na vaši poti osebnega in športnega razvoja.


Kaj menijo 
moje stranke?

"Sina sem peljal k Urši, ker je po nekaj slabših nastopih padel v krizo. Preveč se je začel obremenjevati z rezultatom in nasprotniki. Že po prvem pogovoru z Uršo sem opazil pozitivne spremembe, ki so bile vidne že pred samo borbo, kjer je bil bolj komunikativen in manj zaskrbljen. Med samo borbo sem opazil več zbranosti in sproščenosti. Po zadnjih tekmah sinu nimam več ničesar za pripomnit glede njegovega pristopa in same izvedbe. Tudi pred tekmo nimam več potrebe, da bi mu karkoli svetoval, ker enostavno zaupam v delo in strokovnost Urše."

F.P., karate

"Športna psihologija je pomemben del priprave na tekmovanja in na različne stresne situacije, s katerimi se športniki soočamo. Zdi se mi pomembno, da imamo ob sebi nekoga, ki mu lahko zaupamo in nas na strokoven način usmerja skozi prepreke, ki jih sami težko preidemo. Delo z Uršo poteka zelo sproščeno in brez obsojanja. Je oseba, ki ti daje občutek varnosti in ji resnično lahko zaupaš svoje težave. S svojim strokovnim znanjem te vodi skozi proces spoznavanja sebe in tvojih strahov. Med delom pa se vedno najde tudi prostor za sproščen pogovor in smeh."

K. D., atletika

"Pred delom z Uršo sem večkrat imela probleme s samozavestjo in svojimi predstavami na igrišču. Ob vztrajnem delu, so se moji rezultati začeli izboljševati in začela sem dosegati svoje najvišje zastavljene cilje moje košarkarske sezone. Z njeno pomočjo sem začela na tekmah drugače funkcionirati in razmišljati o dogajanju na igrišču."

L.T., košarka

"It has been amazing being able to talk to an expert in this field like Urša but what makes her unique is that she is a very successful athlete and she is able to relate with my experiences in and out of the ring. As a competitor, this comforts me a lot being able to fully express myself. She uses different strategies during the session to make me understand one concept in different ways making sure I get the most out of each session. She is always going the extra mile and I would recommend Urša to anyone wanting to get mental tools for growth."

B.T., taekwondo

"I worked with Ursa recently around my mentality and sports performance. She was very approachable and made it easy to discuss any issues or past anxieties. She used a wealth of knowledge and specific techniques to put together more manageable processes and achievable goals. Being an athlete herself, meant she better understood the sport specifics and could draw upon her own experiences to help with the topics and show first hand some of the methods discussed. After working with Ursa, my confidence and my understanding of my mentality has improved. I would throughly recommend working with Ursa in the future!"

R.C., kickboxing

"Initially I was skeptical and didn’t want to sit on a couch and tell someone my sporting struggles, I mean who does that? Definitely not a tough guy martial artist of over 20 years competing. However, working with Urša has been a game-changer for my martial arts / sparring performance and mental resilience. Her expertise has not only sharpened my focus, but the personalized strategies have unlocked a new level of confidence and consistency in my game. The mindfulness techniques and mental conditioning have made a profound impact, not just on the field but in all aspects of my life. Grateful for the support and empowerment I've gained through this transformative journey. Highly recommend for anyone looking to elevate their performance both mentally and physically!"

N.D., taekwondo & kickboxing

"Sport psychology is key to achieving your goals in high performance sports. Urša is able to set your mindset right and strengthen your mentality to use all of your potential when it really counts. I enjoy every session because Urša works with me in an unique loving way."

P.Z., kickboxing

"Ursa is a friendly and competent sports psychologist who, through her own experience, has brought empathy and understanding for me as an athlete. In her very well-structured sessions, she addresses my problems individually and works together to find a solution. I can only recommend her offer!"

K.U., kickboxing

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